Types of iPad Retina Cases

November 15, 2017

Types of iPad Retina Cases

iPad cases differ in terms of material used, type of protection offered, and other extra features available. It would be advantageous for the buyer to know about the various types of cases available before making a purchase.

Folio Case

Folio cases are among the most popular choice for iPad cases because they offer protection on both the front and back sides. In addition, most feature a magnetic smart cover that not only adheres to the


but also saves battery life by sending the iPad to sleep when closed. The cover folds in various ways to help the iPad stay upright for convenient reading, viewing, and typing. Some cases even allow the user to rotate the iPad 360 degrees, and yet others come with additional attached Bluetooth keyboards for a more laptop-like experience with the iPad.

Shell Case

Shell cases typically provide one-sided protection, covering just the back of the iPad. Some varieties provide additional protection to the sides, guarding the screen in case of a face-down fall. These cases are made of soft or hard material and usually snap right onto the iPad for a snug fit. Many come fitted with a stand to make hands-free use of the iPad possible.

Sleeve Case

Designed to protect iPads while being carried in backpacks or purses, sleeve cases are unlike other varieties, because they safeguard the iPads when not in use. Thin and compact, sleeve cases are essentially pouches that iPads can slide into, with additional flaps or zips for extra protection. Some sleeves are slightly bigger to accommodate simple stationery, additional iPad accessories, or other knickknacks.